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NOW OR NEVER – Michele Bardsley
The Wizards of Nevermore, Book 2
Signet Eclipse
ISBN: 978-0-451-23624-1
March 2012
Paranormal Romance

Nevermore, Texas – Present Day

Taylor Mooreland, the sheriff of Nevermore, has nightmares every night about a woman he can't save. He has no clue who she is, but he can't shake the strange feelings the dreams are giving him. In a town full of magicals, Taylor is one of the few mundane, and normally his lack of magic isn't a problem in the quiet Texas town. But the last few months have been a real trial for Taylor , and as his nightmares get worse, he's going to start wishing he had a few magical abilities of his own.

Norie Whyte doesn't know who these people are, or why they seem to think she is important enough to be sacrificed. Taylor finds Norie at a sacrificial alter hidden in the forest behind his home, and he's determined to not let his dreams become reality. The idea of this mundane sheriff against a host of powerful magicals is enough to give Taylor cause to worry, but unfortunately for the citizens of Nevermore, demons are involved as well. Taylor , Norie, and the townspeople must band together to keep the demons out of Nevermore, and the town secrets hidden away.

NOW OR NEVER is another excellent novel by author Michele Bardsley. It was great seeing beloved characters from the first book, but it was even better to see Taylor getting his chance to shine. Both Taylor and Norie are strong, resilient characters who really draw you into the story. The type of couple readers love to root for, fans will desperately hope for a third Wizards of Nevermore book to see them again. A fast paced, entertaining read, NOW OR NEVER is one of those books too good to put down for long.

NOW OR NEVER is the second book in the Wizards of Nevermore series, following NEVER AGAIN (MARCH 2011). Each book can be read as an individual novel, but there are many recurring characters and town secrets that will show up in both books.  No news on a third book as of yet, but I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Amanda Toth
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