A Shadow Keepers Novel – Book 4
ISBN: 978-0-345-52563-5
June 2012
Paranormal Romance

Present Day Europe

Over twenty years ago, the vampires Caris and Tiberius were inseparable. Lovers and soul mates, they would do anything for each other. But then Caris was attacked, kidnapped, and turned into something so horrific Tiberius couldn't even look at her. Cyrus Reinholt made Caris into a hybrid…both vampire and werewolf. In Caris's changed form, her very breath could kill a vampire and start a plague that would wipe out the entire human race. Caris escaped, somehow, and she plans to make Cyrus pay with his life.

Tiberius secretly hoped to meet up with Caris again, just to see her, but standing over the body of a dead Cyrus Reinholt, his new political informant, was not how he pictured it. Happy to see that Caris is doing well and has managed to gain control over her dual nature, Tiberius knows he should just let her go and move on with his political aspirations, but he can't bring himself to let her leave again. Under the guise of wanting to learn what she knows about Cyrus, Tiberius takes Caris back to his home for an interrogation. But with a love like theirs, they won't be able to keep their reunion innocent for long.

The fourth novel in the Shadow Keepers series, WHEN PASSION LIES is the best yet. Readers of the series will be glad to see Tiberius and Caris finally get their story, and new readers will instantly fall for the love and conflict these two characters share. A gripping story, the constant action and passion will leave the audience panting by the end of the novel. Author J.K. Beck manages to pack a lot of back story and strong emotion into this fourth volume of the series.

With plenty of the secondary characters introduced in the previous novels making appearances in WHEN PASSION LIES, it could be a lot for new readers to handle, and it can get a little hectic with the many subplots and motives of the many characters. However, Tiberius and Caris's story makes this book well worth a read. The audience will be clamoring for Caris and Tiberius to finally receive their happy ever after…that is, if Caris can keep control of her hybrid nature now that Tiberius has awoken her passion and fire.

While prior knowledge of the Shadow Keepers series is not required before reading WHEN PASSION LIES, it is recommended. Be sure to check out the first novels in the series, WHEN BLOOD CALLS (August 2010), WHEN PLEASURE RULES (September 2010), and WHEN WICKED CRAVES (October 2010). And be on the lookout for the upcoming books, WHEN DARKNESS HUNGERS (July 2012) and WHEN TEMPTATION BURNS (August 2012).

Amanda Toth