Spellbound Falls , Book 5
ISBN: 978-0-515-15321-7
September 2013
Contemporary Paranormal Romance

Present Day Spellbound Falls, Maine

A few thousand years ago, a being was brought into existence who came to be called Titus Oceanus. Titus—who favors the term theurgist over wizard or god—is a sort of guardian of mortal man. Titus was the creator of Atlantis, a place of peace and harmony. When it was threatened by enemies, he hid it below the waves where it and its citizens remain safe to this day. Then forty years ago, Titus fell in love with a young mortal maiden, married her and made her his queen. Titus and Rana have a son and a daughter, Maximilian and Carolina, both of whom inherited his magic. They moved to modern Maine where they also married mortals (though Caroline's MacKeague husband is not without talents of his own).

All this is prelude to our story in which Rana is visiting her children and grandchildren near Spellbound Falls and, for reasons she deems necessary, she decides to leave Tutus for a while—he's still the love of her life—and buys a small house on the shores of the inland sea created by her son four years ago. While the reasons for this and for Titus's subsequent wooing of her is the framework of the story, many more incidents and characters are involved. It's like a reunion where we're brought up to date on the lives of the extended family and their friends. The community also faces a challenge when a new, mysterious group moves into the area.

I usually spend more time giving a taste of things to come, but this plot is so complex and the cast so rich in variety, it would take pages. Why do that when the author has done such a great job already? There is just one thing that I should add. The whole reading experience would be even more enjoyable if it follows the earlier books in the series. Book one is SPELLBOUND FALLS, Maximillian's tale; then come CHARMED BY HIS LOVE, COURTING CAROLINA, and THE HEART OF A HERO. Check out for more information on FOR THE LOVE OF MAGIC and Ms. Chapman's backlist.

Jane Bowers