TEXAS TALL – Janet Dailey
The Tylers of Texas , Book 3
Kensington Books
ISBN: 978-1-7582-9401-2
eISBN: 978-1-7582-9402-9
September 2016
Romantic Suspense

The Rimrock Ranch near Blanco Springs, Texas

Will Tyler and his ex-wife Tori share custody of their twelve-year-old daughter, Erin. Will had just picked Erin up from town to take her to the ranch for the weekend, when an alert on the radio warned every one of a recent robbery and shooting in town and described the suspect fleeing on a motorcycle. About the same time, Will's truck hit something on the road. He got out to see what it was and took his hand gun in case it was an injured animal. It was a large piece of junk metal and he was going to have to change a tire before they could proceed. Then all hell broke loose. In short, a motorcyclist fitting the fugitive's description came roaring down the road, pulled out a gun and knife, and Will killed the man to save his own life and that of his beloved daughter.

Although he was up to no good, the dead man turned out to be innocent of the store shooting. Unfortunately for all, he had a really nasty sister who badly wants revenge for his death. She intends to make Will and all his family pay, and she has the means to do it. Before long, Will is arrested for murder.

Though Tori and Will have been divorced eight years, the love they have for Erin, a bright and likable young lady who loves horses, has made their association friendly enough. Tori is an attorney, and now she's determined to do all in her power to save Erin's daddy, even though she's just begun to move on with her life.

With its unhappy beginning, I wasn't sure I was going to like TEXAS TALL, but it wasn't long before I was completely hooked. Talk about suspense! Not only is the relationship between Tori and Will up in the air, but so is the course of the case against him. Something is not right.

Besides that, bad weather and worse luck have endangered the ranch. More family dynamics come in as Will's brothers and others from the two earlier books in the series play parts.

So this reader found TEXAS TALL riveting and continued to read until finishing it late at night. Now to find and read TEXAS TRUE (April 2015) and TEXAS TOUGH (April 2016).

Jane Bowers