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Miami Famous , Book 1
Harlequin Desire #2783
ISBN: 978-1-335-23268-7
January 2021
Contemporary Series Romance

Miami, Florida – Present Day

Bestselling author Nina Taylor arrives in Miami and heads to the Sand Castle hotel, where she has rented its most luxurious suite. She plans to honor her late mother by enjoying the grand accommodations. However, upon check-in, Nina learns that the hotel canceled her reservation and gave it to someone else—world famous actor Julian Knight. Angry at what the hotel did—and still hoping to at least get a few selfies of herself in the suite—she lies her way into the suite. While she is enjoying her tour of it, Julian walks in. He is amused, then sympathetic after he learns that she has no room. He invites her to stay in the spare bedroom in the suite. Against her better judgment, Nina agrees.

It is inevitable that living in such close quarters leads to an attraction between Nina and Julian. At first, they develop a friendship as they test the waters of learning to trust each other. By the time their lips lock, they’re ready to take their relationship to the bedroom. Julian appreciates Nina’s intelligence and candor, while she likes the fact that he can act so natural around her even as fans chase after him. Of course, any affair between them will have to be conducted in secrecy. But after Julian offers her the job of helping him with a manuscript that he wants to produce and star in, their temporary relationship is extended.

The storyline for SCANDAL IN THE VIP SUITE takes place over several weeks as the two remain ensconced in their suite at the Sand Castle, a boutique hotel in Miami. Their friendship is easy to get into, while their love affair is slow to develop. Meanwhile, the paparazzi are going crazy trying to figure out if there is something going on between Nina and Julian. He is, of course, used to the “noise” of fame, but it is new to Nina. Yet, he does require that she be discreet, meaning don’t use him to promote herself. Will something happen that splits them apart? Will his movie get made?

SCANDAL IN THE VIP SUITE is a bit of a different tale. Nina and Julian click when they meet for the first time, and once he learns that she is a writer, he decides to utilize her talents. They spend a lot of time talking and getting to know one another, which in time leads to romance. Will it work out between them? An engaging tale, don’t miss SCANDAL IN THE VIP SUITE.

Patti Fischer

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