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Dark Kings , Book 7
St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN-10: 1250071941
ISBN-13: 978-1250071941
November 2015


Edinburgh, Scotland – The Present

Lexi found her best friend's body in an Edinburgh alley. She saw the man Christina walked out of the bar with, but was too slow to follow her. She has sworn to her friend's memory to find the man. She knows when she saw him and the two men with him leave the alley, they all had red eyes, and silver streaked black hair. His appearance had somehow changed from what he looked like in the bar. The other two friends vacationing with Lexi and Christina have returned to South Carolina. They think Lexi obsessed.

The Dragon Kings Thorn and Darius are in Edinburgh to fight the hordes of Dark Fae entering the city. It seems the more of them they kill, the more arrive. The Dark Fae kill and feed off many unsuspecting humans. Even the humans' news reports are alarmed about the number of murders in the city. When Thorn sees the girl tracking the Dark Fae, he realizes she is one of the very few aware of the danger and able to resist the lure of the Dark Fae. He knows she is in danger and tries to warn her, but she fights and stabs him. He doesn't want involvement, but soon finds Lexi irresistible. So much so that Darius has another Dragon King wipe her memories of events in Edinburgh, and then he sends her back to America. They are both astonished when she returns.

In this volume the war between the Dragon Kings and the Dark Fae has started. Con, the King of Dragon Kings, and Ulrik, the estranged Dragon King, still work toward their ultimate final conflict. Rhi, the Light Fae, remains damaged by the torture her former friend, who has become a Dark Fae, inflicted. His desire for her and her love for a Dragon King who severed their relationship thousands of years ago cause her emotional conflict. Hints indicate Rhi is also an important lynch pin in the coming battle. Many characters, not only from previous books in this series but also other series set in this world, gather for the coming fray. Outside influences also appear which might change the outcome.

The romance between the two main characters is fraught with trust problems. Other story lines fill in much of the background and also provide enhanced drama to all the situations. While readers can understand and enjoy this storyline without having read the other volumes, they will want to read the previous stories to understand and enjoy the continuing stories threading through the books.

Robin Lee

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