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ISBN: 9780063288478
October 2023

Cornwall, England - Present Day

Eva has given in to her husband's request to attend their close friends Hallie and Kian's Christmas party in Cornwall. This despite the fact that the opening of her new business looms, and that Christmas brings nothing but painful memories for the past three years. With her valued assistant, Diana, driving through a snowstorm to Penhallow, the estate that Hallie has booked for the holiday, Eva also dreads seeing the estate again since it, too, brings back too many sad thoughts. Preoccupied with establishing her business, Eva has put stress on her marriage to James, and although she's annoyed to lose time away from London and her plans, she will try her best to appease everyone's expectations.

Upon arrival at Penhallow, the memories surface, and, to Eva's shock, Hallie announces that she is pregnant, pushing Eva over the edge. It's obvious to her that James is hoping to renew what they've shared in the past, but for Eva, it may be too late. She packs up and leaves in the middle of the night, only to be halted down the road by the vision of her late grandmother. Only she isn't just a vision, but seems to be real, and Gran tells Eva that if she doesn't face the reality that she is going to lose all of those whom she loves, and who love her, Eva will regret her actions forever. Reluctantly, Eva returns to Penhallow.

On Christmas morning, Eva wakes up, but she isn't Eva, she is her assistant, Diana! And Diana may be hiding some personal issues. The next morning, another Christmas morning, Eva becomes Hallie's sister, Natalie. What is going on? Each morning, Eva emerges as yet another of the women in the house. But what she is learning is what persona she is showing to those around her. Eva also learns what they are all going through individually. And always, there is Gran pushing her to face her past, and her future.

ONE CHRISTMAS MORNING is a debut novel reminiscent of the Dickens classic. Eva's grief has dictated her life for three years, and it's apparent to her that her behavior has affected her loved ones and friends. What will Eva learn from her Christmas visits? 

A truly riveting tale that will entertain readers. Don't miss ONE CHRISTMAS MORNING. 

Jani Brooks

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