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Guardians of Eternity Series- Book 20
Kensington Books, Lyrical Press
Print Book ISBN: 978-1-5161-1137-4
E-book ISBN: 978-1-5161-1136-7
February 7, 2023
Fantasy Novel 

Chicago, IL- Present Day

Styx, the king of vampires, has a problem. A seven-foot gargoyle has parked herself in his garden and has no intention of moving.

Aunt Bertha, the seven foot gargoyle, wants Styx to find her nephew. It seems her nephew, Levet, has been kidnapped by a minotaur. Styx finds Levet annoying but if the only way to get rid of Aunt Bertha is by finding him, he will do it. Styx goes to get Sophie ,a reclusive vampire and lets Ryshi, a thief he has kept in his dungeon for ten years out. Their job: find Levet and bring him back.

Sophie has been a recluse for decades and she likes it that way but her gift of being able to ensnare a person’s mind makes her essential to Styx. He needs her to do it to Ryshi, who is part jinn and part imp ,to control him so that he does not run away. As Sophie and Ryshi enter the minotaur labyrinth they start to have feelings for each other but can Sophie trust Ryshi; she knows he is hiding something from her. Then there is Sophie's gift of being able to ensnare a person’s mind, it is a dangerous gift when she uses it at its full power. She has spent decades perfecting her gift, but it is still dangerous nevertheless.

SATE THE DARKNESS is a story full of vampires, minotaurs, gargoyles, and Gods. The story is well written and full of humor but, at times, I felt the humor fell flat. There is romance in it that develops between Sophie and Ryshi and it is nice between them but I felt that I was walking in the middle of a story having missed some important moments like with Aunt Bertha and the God, Hades. They obviously have a history in the Guardians of Eternity series but since I never read any of the other books I felt out of the loop.

SATE THE DARKNESS is an interesting read that may be even better for readers who have already read the other books in the series.

Avis Yarbrough

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