SIGHT UNSEEN - Iris and Roy Johansen
St Martin's Press (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-250-02052-9
July 2014

San Diego, California - Present Day

It all started with a blind date.  Music therapist Kendra Michaels's mother, Diane, wants Kendra to quit chasing after criminals.  Diane believes that by introducing Kendra to a staid colleague, she can manage to tame her daughter's life.  So, to please her beloved mother, Kendra agrees to meet with Dean Halley and have a drink at a local bar.  They begin the typical date conversation, learning about each other, until Kendra notices a news report on the bar's television screen showing an automobile accident that, in her eyes, is clearly a murder.  And once again she's thrust into the fray of an investigation.  Kendra has no wish to continue working with the FBI, who routinely call on her to help them solve cases.  After spending the first twenty years of her life blind, Kendra uses her finely tuned senses to look for clues beyond her sight that the average person misses.  Tonight, Kendra advises FBI Director Michael Griffin of what she knows about the tangle of wrecked cars and bodies, tells him what clues he needs to look for, and then walks away.  She does not want to get involved in another case ever again.

The next day, Former FBI agent Adam Kyle, now working privately as an operative for hire, turns up (like the proverbial bad penny) asking for Kendra's help.  Kyle is a danger to her on so many levels.  They have never been personally involved because if that happens, Kendra will lose herself, lose her edge.  And any involvement with Kyle will thrust her right into a dangerous world she would rather forget.  But now, Kyle breaks the news that last night's murders are the work of a copycat killer who is duplicating scenes from Kendra's former investigations.  Reluctantly, Kendra knows she's lost the fight to stay out of the FBI's business.  She has no choice but to agree to help them.

The stakes are raised as SIGHT UNSEEN progresses, thrusting Kendra into the center of a dangerous game played by a psychopath.  As a musical therapist, Kendra routinely uses her skills of deduction to help autistic children and others who are suffering from a multitude of disabilities.  Music is so far away from the law enforcement cases she takes on that it bewilders her mind.  She hates the horrors of those investigations, but her sense of duty and her compassion force her to try and put every killer she encounters away for life.

A plethora of dynamic secondary characters lead us through the story, where Kendra once again finds herself and those she loves the targets of a killer.  SIGHT UNSEEN is the third book about Kendra Michaels, following the short story that introduced her, WITH OPEN EYES (June 2012); and her first series novel, CLOSE YOUR EYES (July 2012). Kendra also appears in the Eve Duncan series books.  (See Iris Johansen's website, ).  The conclusion to SIGHT UNSEEN is explosive and leaves an opening for a sequel to come.

The action is fast paced with edge of your seat thrills, making SIGHT UNSEEN a book you will not put down!

Diana Risso