YOU'RE SO FINE – Kieran Kramer
St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN: 978-1-250-00992-0
January 2015
Contemporary Romance

Indigo Beach, South Carolina – The Present

Lacey Clark had bad luck in Hollywood. Three acting jobs ended her career with a reputation for jinxing whatever set she joins, and she has endured two failed romances, both with actors. Five years ago she adopted the infant of her ex-lovers ‘other' woman. A circumstance that makes up for everything Lacey has endured. Henry is the joy and focus of her life. Recently her second lover, Callum, ran away with her employer, skipping out on a movie deal in South Carolina. His agent gave Lacey the keys to a lighthouse where he was to spend the six weeks of filming. She is glad to be back in the South to build a new life for Henry and herself, even though her circumstances are dire. She needs a job and must find another place to live quickly, hopefully a place Henry can call home. Lacey and Henry settle into the lighthouse only to have their first evening disturbed by loud banging on the door from a man demanding entrance to his rental property.

Due to small print in an old contract, heartthrob-handsome box-office superstar Beau Wilder must take Callum's part in an art film certain to destroy his career, or at the least cause a major setback. He thinks the script sucks. He traded Callum tickets to a Laker's game for occupancy of the lighthouse, but finds a feisty beauty in residence. He recognizes her as the actress Greta Gildensturm from the cult-film Biker Aliens , but he is still ready to throw her out until he meets Henry, realizes Lacey's plight, and lets his better nature take over. There upon starts a tug-of-war over who can do what until Lacey becomes staff on the film set as the babysitter of the film director/producer's children.

Certainly, Lacey and Beau don't meet under idyllic circumstances, and things trend downward from there, each facing family problems, career or job problems, and unsatiated lust. They each are attracted to the other but both know their lifestyles and futures cannot integrate. They both share bad childhood experiences, a love of filmmaking, South Carolina, and surfing, but Beau comes from an upper-class family, and Lacey doesn't. How long can they both hold out against what they feel?

Both humorous and serious situations fill YOU'RE SO FINE, leading to some purely circumstantial happenings that add pleasure to the ending. Quirky characters from Lacey's and Beau's families, and those on the film set, deliver the story's tension. South Carolina's seashore provides a magnificent setting, which will let readers visit the South this winter without traveling. Good reading!

Robin Lee