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The Men of Wolff Mountain , Book 2
Harlequin Desire #2146
ISBN: 978-0-373-76159-6
March 2012
Series Romance

Wolff Mountain, Virginia – Present Day

Six years ago, Olivia Delgado had a brief, passionate affair with a man she later learned had given her a fake name before he suddenly left town. When she ended up pregnant, she searched for him and discovered who he really was…Kiernan Wolff, part of a reclusive wealthy family. Having been raised by parents who tried to keep her cosseted and hating it, Olivia decided to not tell Kiernan and raise her daughter, Cammie, by herself. But one day, Kiernan shows up on her doorstep demanding to not only meet Cammie, but to spend time with her. Olivia at first denies Cammie is his, but he is persistent. Finally, she agrees for them to meet at his isolated family compound in Virginia . Kiernan is as powerfully sexy as Olivia remembers, and as much as she tries, she cannot resist his sensual charms.

Kiernan spent an isolated childhood after his mother and aunt were brutally murdered. His only escape was the time spent in England , where he met Olivia. After being summoned home, he became determined to forget the woman he spent six glorious weeks with, but learning about Cammie changes everything. The little girl is his daughter and he will do whatever it takes to bring her—and Olivia—into his life.  He can't promise forever, but he can promise security. Yet, even as Kiernan and Olivia drift into an affair, she makes it clear he can't be a part time father—or lover. Can the lone Wolff accept the challenge of making a future with Olivia and Cammie?

When Olivia first met Kiernan, she knew him as Kevin. While he didn't discuss his family much, it didn't matter to her because her own parents were Hollywood legends who loved the limelight and she preferred her privacy. But when he suddenly left, she was brokenhearted until she discovered she was pregnant and did a little digging. Imagine her surprise at who Kevin really is…and it angers her that he kept the truth from her. Since then, Olivia has built a solid, independent life for herself and her daughter. From the moment Kiernan reenters her life, she feels the pull of their attraction once again. Getting involved with him would be a mistake, because she still harbors anger at him for his deception. Yet the walls she puts up are soon broken down and their bedroom reunion is filled with fiery passion.

Kiernan has put up barriers in his heart against love because he doesn't want to see the pain his father went through after his wife's death. Kiernan has thrown himself into endless work and travel. Can Kiernan stop long enough to get to know his daughter? Yet, the one clear thing is that he still has a strong desire for Olivia. While he regrets not being honest with her in the first place, he has to make her understand why he did it—and convince her that he can be there for Cammie. While they are surrounded by his family at the family “castle” in Virginia , Olivia and Kiernan rekindle the flames of passion. Readers will find A TOUCH OF PERSUASION a scorching read to enjoy. If you like your love scenes filled with sensuality, then this tale will fit the bill.

Olivia and Kiernan have a chance at finding love again and building a future together in A TOUCH OF PERSUASION. Janice Maynard has scored a hit with this installment of The Men of Wolff Mountain series. Don't miss picking this one up on your next book buying trip.

Patti Fischer
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