Scottish Relic Trilogy , Book 1
Macmillan's Swerve eBook
ISBN: 978-1-250-10656-8
May 2015
Historical Romance

Scotland, 1544

Highland warrior Alexander MacPherson, eldest son of the clan chief, entered into an advantageous connection with the MacKay clan by marrying the MacKay laird's daughter, Kenna. Both fathers were pleased with the match, but not so the lass. She ran away on their wedding night. Kenna doesn't take well to orders, besides she guards a secret relic passed down to her by her mother.

Another match was arranged between Kenna's cousin Emily and an elderly border chief who needed an heir, but before the impending wedding, Emily was kidnapped—along with her cousin Kenna! This act involved both Alexander and his younger brother James. The meeting between Alexander and Kenna was a fiery one, and so was that between Emma and James, though perhaps more warm than fiery.

All the while, King Henry of England was encouraging raids on the Scottish border lands headed by a nasty villain who knows of the relics and is determined to have them all. He's aided in his invasion by a traitorous Scott. With so many important characters and so much action going on, MUCH ADO ABOUT HIGHLANDERS is a difficult book to summarize. It's a complex tale with romance, suspense, adventure, excitement, and danger, with humor and magic as well.

The relic Kenna possesses has power, and it's only one of the four parts that the artifact had been broken into and scattered fifty years before this time. Be sure to watch for new and familiar characters to come in parts two and three, TAMING THE HIGHLANDER and TEMPEST IN THE HIGHLANDS. (Do you note an echo of Shakespeare's titles in these?)

Jane Bowers