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Harlequin Desire #2214
ISBN: 978-0-373-73227-2
February 2013
Series Romance

Houston, Texas – Present Day

Ming Campbell wants to become a mother—so badly that she plans to get inseminated and raise the child on her own. She could go to a clinic and get the procedure done with an anonymous donor, but she decides she wants to know the background of her baby's father and the only way to do so is to find a donor she knows. So she asks her best friend, Jason Sterling, to be the donor. Jason is stunned at her suggestion, but he agrees, with the counteroffer that they do it the old-fashioned way. Will Ming agree, all the while keeping her secret from Jason that she's in love with him?

Jason is happy the way his life is going. He's a successful businessman, races cars in his spare time and has a great relationship with Ming.  Her decision to get pregnant—and asking him to donate to her cause—leaves him in turmoil. When Ming was dating (and engaged to) his brother, Evan, Jason's insides twisted at the thought of Ming being claimed by someone other than himself. Yet, Jason doesn't want to get romantically involved with any woman, Ming included. So why require that they have sex in order to impregnate her? Even Jason is not sure of the answer to that…

The plan is for friends to make a baby in A TRICKY PROPOSITION by Cat Schield. Ming thought she had everything worked out, but Jason's demand that they have sex leaves her reeling. She wants a baby and could go back to her original plan of an anonymous donor, but Jason, in her eyes, is still Mr. Perfect. They've been friends for a long time, and she's known for just about that long that she's attracted to him, but he's always kept their relationship platonic. Now Jason wants to bring it over to the other side, and Ming's not sure how she can keep her heart out of things. Add in the fact that Ming's sister, Lily, appears to be involved with Evan. Is Ming completely over her ex, Evan?

Jason nearly lost his father to grief after Jason's mother died, and for this reason he has no plans to ever marry. He doesn't want to lose his heart so deeply to someone that he can't live without her. But Ming is a treasured friend, and he doesn't want her to give birth to another man's child. Is he selfish—or just making sure he has a stake in Ming's life forever? When Jason starts setting up the baby making as a romantic scene, Ming flees, scared that she'll fall even harder for him, and ultimately break her heart.  Will Ming and Jason ever make it as far as the bed?

Two successful people with a lifelong friendship find it difficult to break down the walls to have sex together. Ming and Jason know and understand the other perfectly, but it's going to be a bumpy road. Can Jason let his cold-encased heart thaw and see that Ming loves him and wants them to be family, not just parents?  A sexy, fun tale of best friends to lovers with lots of sensual chemistry between them, I highly recommend A TRICKY PROPOSITION.

Patti Fischer
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