A.L.F.A. MATES - Milly Taiden
A.L.F.A. Series , Books 1 & 2
Berkley Sensation
ISBN-13:  978-0-399-58583-8
October 2017
Double Book

Uganda-Present Day

Melinda Caster is a scientist in Uganda who has just discovered a new virus similar to Zika, but instead of killing people, it has other weird properties. It has been tested on mice, and the children of the mice seem to have paranormal powers like moving their treats into the cages and other weird things.  The A.L.F.A. (Alpha League Federal Agency) agency in the states has received a threat to her life, and sent jaguar-shifter Agent Parish Hamel to investigate.  After he arrives, her lab is broken into and Melinda just barely gets out with a vial of the virus hidden in her bra.

But there are demons around; one is a janitor who tears up the lab looking for the virus.  They meet a witch doctor named Sefu who gives them some mysterious spells before they are taken up into another world with more demons who will stop at nothing to get the virus.  What special properties could it have to make demons willing to kill them for it?

Lots of magic and demons and succubi await them in the land of the demons; is their experience real, or are they dreaming it?  The lines between truth and dreams has been erased, and if they don't return to earth, they could be forever living in a void in space.

ELEMENTAL MATING will just about scare the pants off you with shifters and demons and a deadly virus; what will happen with it, and what would happen to the world if the demons get their hands on it will keep you on the edge of your seats.  The demon world is enough to scare anybody!

Las Vegas, Nevada - Present Day

Amerella Capone (yes, a relative of Al Capone) is in the First National Bank of Las Vegas when several men come in trying to rob it.  Unfortunately, Amie recognizes the voice of her cousins, Joey and Tony.  When a senator is shot by Tony, Joey is then killed when Tony tries to shoot her and Joey jumps in front of her.  Was the robbery really a robbery or a cover for the killing?  The Police arrange for a bodyguard for Amie as she is willing to testify; she is also a member of the mafia family in Las Vegas.  After the death of her parents, her Uncle Giuseppe, head of the Vegas mafia became her guardian.  When a Hummer stops in front of her while waiting in front of the bank and a RPG is shot in her direction, everyone knows she is marked for death.

Cougar-shifter Agent Francois Dubois from A.L.F.A. is assigned her case; but they have a history.  Four years ago in college they were lovers for three years, until Amie left the day after he proposed and sent him a text that she would no longer see him.  To protect her, Francois takes her to his hometown in the desert outside Las Vegas, inhabited totally by other shifters; a town that looks lost in time from the 1950's.

The mafia is looking for Amie, and she is worried about telling Francois why she broke up with him after his proposal and about their son.  Soon the whole town and its citizens are embracing Amie as one of their own, and she finds herself fitting in like she's always been there; but will they like her if her relatives come into town and blow it up?

Shifters, demons and witches inhabit these two stories by Millie Taiden, famous for her shape shifter stories that have delighted us.  Not as light-hearted as some of her series, A.L.F.A. MATES is sure to draw you into their unique worlds.

Carolyn Crisher