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THE RIVAL – Maisey Yates
Four Corners Ranch
Canary Street Press
ISBN: 978-1335006271
April 23, 2024
Contemporary Romance

Pyrite Falls, Oregon – Present Day

Quinn Sullivan and her sisters want to open a country store on their property but in order to do so, they need quick and easy access from the main road. The logical choice is to build a road on Levi Granger’s land, but he is opposed. The Sullivans are part of the Four Corners association, and its effect has left Levi’s ranch struggling. He attends a Four Corners meeting to discuss the issue and words are exchanged between him and Quinn. She challenges him to help him make his ranch more profitable by offering to spend a week working on his property. For some crazy reason, he agrees, figuring she won’t last a day. But Quinn not only surprises Levi, but an attraction soon develops between them. 

They are several years apart in age and their families are not exactly friendly with each other, but that doesn’t stop Quinn and Levi from feeling an attraction in THE RIVAL. They have been shaped by their childhoods. Quinn’s parents left them when they were young, and the four sisters ended up raising themselves. Levi’s parents both died when he was nearly eighteen and he ended up raising his three younger siblings. At first, he tries to make it difficult for her on his ranch. Work her hard and hope she gives up on her idea to have a road built through his land. But she surprises him. At the same time, she challenges him to be a better person and he begins to open up to her. Yet, there are still secrets between them.

Meanwhile, the more they’re around each other, the more they are attracted to each other. Will they finally give in to the desire that is pulsating between them? Levi finds himself beginning to soften in his stance about the road. Quinn insists that having tourists use the new road would help him, plus she has some suggestions that would help him produce income for his ranch. Levi is stubborn, but Quinn is determined. It is during these scenes that their sexual chemistry shines. They seem perfect for each other. Will their passion in life lead to passion in the bedroom? Levi doesn’t believe in love while Quinn wonders where their future will end up. Their relationship is back and forth.

THE RIVAL can be an emotional read at times, just as there are funny scenes, like when Levi tosses Quinn into a pond. Then there are the scenes when they discuss their childhood with each other. They go toe-to-toe, and it makes for cute scenes, even as there are emotionally charged ones. I must admit that I hated to see this story end. Of course, the Four Corners Ranch series continues, and we get a glimpse at the end of this tale about a new potential one. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the fun by reading THE RIVAL.  You won’t be sorry.

Patti Fischer

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